1. A sub 2.30 800m clocking for the first time in many years
2. A sub 1.35 half marathon (sub 1.33 target)
3. To get back to racing some of the Staffs Moorlands Summer Series
4. A "run first" policy where work and meetings are concerned (this one WILL be interesting!)
5. To stretch and warm down after training and racing
6. A more structured week of up to five sessions (minmum four) including speed/hills/long/cross train/easy
7. More miles & more races - including a better time at the Shutlingsloe Fell Race (pictured) after 30 years of racing it!
8. To compete in the county championships at cross country , fell and track and field
9. To get out on a few more club runs
10 .To enjoy my running!!
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