Starting by a small registration tent (£4 & no forms to fill in!) on the top of the hill the start was manic with over 1100 runners charging , sliding and falling down the first hill. The river ran up to the thighs and was freezing. I started far too conservatively but steadily picked runners off over the next couple of miles of climbs, descents and mud, but my final climb back up to the finish was pretty awful as the previous day's 10 miles in the hills finally caught up with me! I finished 222nd in 40.27 which isn't very good but there wasn't much more I could have put in and it was certainly something different. I will be back!
All in all a fantastic end to a great week of running with 34 miles in the bank which has included everything, speed on the track, hills and lots of mud!
Annual mileage 1054
The race is probably great on a sunny day, but must have been horrible in the gale! A brave (or crazy!) one you are. Congrats on the 1000 miles!