1. A sub 2.30 800m clocking for the first time in many years
I didn’t actually get to race an 800m all season due to the calf injury in April.which saw me out of running action for nearly two months.
2. A sub 1.35 half marathon (sub 1.33 target)
A great run at Wilmslow saw me achieve my best time for a few years with a 1.33.03 and a fast first 10k of 41.25 thrown in
3. To get back to racing some of the Staffs Moorlands Summer Series
4. A "run first" policy where work and meetings are concerned (this one WILL be interesting!)
Yes but only a few occasions and certainly not enough.
5. To stretch and warm down after training and racing
Obviously not enough given the calf injury but since then there have been more stair raisers whilst at work!
6. A more structured week of up to five sessions (minimum four) including speed/hills/long/cross train/easy
Only limited on this one with a real lack of speedwork and hills.
7. More miles & more races - including a better time at the Shutlinsloe Fell Race after 30 years of racing it!
Averaged 25 miles a week for a total of 1302, which whilst being 20 less than 2010 was good considering that a couple of months were lost through the early/mid summer. Also 31 races to 35 (2010) was also really encouraging considering most of the summer track and fell races were missed, including Shutlingsloe
8. To compete in the county championships at cross country , fell and track and field.
Only one out of three for this, cross country, due to injury.
9. To get out on a few more club runs
Nope! But I did the full club Road Championship and came first V50.
10 .To enjoy my running!!
Finally YES!
Overall a year of missed targets and some frustration, but I finished it with a flurry of races including a couple of new ones such as Parkrun at Bramhall. I also made a return to those I hadn’t raced for many years such as the Tegg’s Nose Sheepdog Trial Race and got a reminder of why it had been such a long lay off! The photo shows the track running off the side of teggs at the far end of the out and back loop.
Time now to think about 2012!
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