After a quick chat about all things running he kindly guides me through the early Sunday traffic to find a parking spot near to the race start and thirty minutes later we are off in the Stafford Half Marathon. Four thousand runners have towed the start line in what are now becoming very warm and unseasonal conditions. The early miles were hit at an almost metronomic eight minute pace (photos are at five miles, I am 218 and Nigel 71) through miles six to nine the rolling road was more challenging and for me as a none road runner these days with my last half being ten years ago I was going into unchartered territory. However the last few miles were along a disused railway and then by the local river. The last mile Nigel really picked up the pace ending with a fantastic last quarter mile turn of speed. The clock stopped at 1.48.31. Not Nigel's quickest by a long way but he was comfortable enough to take confidence away from today as he ramps up the training for London.
For me it was a great day of running and has given me the confidence to attack the Wilmslow Half in two weeks. At the end we had time for a quick chat, put on our hard earned t-shirts for a photograph then it was off. I have run many races over the years but this will certainly be one to remember.
To see how Nigel felt about the run go to http://runningfromthereaper.blogspot.com/ or better still visit itunes and subscribe to his brilliant podcast.
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