This blog is where I will talk about why and where I run, about my life as a competitive athlete despite my advancing years!
Thursday, 31 December 2009
"Return to Whinfell Forest"

Sunday, 27 December 2009
"Boxing Day Handicap"

Sunday, 20 December 2009
"Boggart Hole Clough"

Sunday, 6 December 2009
"Winter Chills"

With constant heavy rain making many of the trails almost unrunable it was still great to get out there without any pressure and just enjoy the views from the local hills. The photo is one I found amusing as I passed through one of the upland farms.
Next week it's hopefully back to the Manchester XC League and the hills and mud of Boggart Hole Clough.
Annual mileage 1170
Tuesday, 1 December 2009
"Cheddleton Christmas Pudding Race"

Sunday, 22 November 2009
"Rain, Run, Mud and Sherdley Park"

Last Sunday saw the second round of the Greater Manchester XC League at Sherdley Park in St Helens which is notorious for mud at the best of times so a week of constant rain turned it into an absolute quagmire! Despite this I ran really well and again beat my closest rival Jack from Salford Mets.
This week was rounded off today by a great five miler along the Shropshire Union Canal in Nantwich where my daughter was competing in a trampoline competition (no I didn't miss her perform!). It was yet another run discovering the new area I am working in now I have moved office base away from Macclesfield and these sessions have added a new zest to my running as they force me to really concentrate on not getting lost!
Annual mileage 1131
Sunday, 8 November 2009
"Storming Langley"

Sunday, 1 November 2009
"Dovedale Dash"

Sunday, 25 October 2009
"Heaton Park"

Sunday, 18 October 2009
"The Dream Inspires"

Sunday, 4 October 2009
"Cheshire's Hill Country"

After a couple of easy runs during the week the Teggs run turned out to be an 11 mile epic hill run taking in Macclesfield Forest, Shutlingsloe and running several public paths I hadn't followed before (I'm in charge of public rights of way as well!). With some real tough climbing and descending it was quite a shock to the system after a summer of speedwork but the views were fantastic and there may not be many more really bright clear days before the winter sets in. The picture shows the descent towards the forest and Shutlingsloe is the furthest hill on the horizon!
This time next week its the Dream Inspires run in Oxford as part of the World Wide Festival of Races something I'm really lookin forward to.
Annual mileage - 948
Sunday, 27 September 2009
"Teggs Nose"

Sunday, 6 September 2009
"The End Of Summer"

Tuesday, 1 September 2009
"Whinfell Forest"
The week was also important as Matt got his GCSE results and we were all really pleased he got the passes needed to go on to do A Levels.
With the track coach away tonight but with the session set I went to the local cemetery and ran a great set of 6 x 1k with a minutes recovery. It's a great place to train when you get used to your surroundings!
This coming weekend sees the final track and field fixture of the summer, so it's a last opportunity to end the summer with some good times.
Annual mileage - 822
Saturday, 22 August 2009

Saturday, 1 August 2009
"On Yer Bike"

Sunday, 19 July 2009
"Discovering Bollington"

Thursday, 9 July 2009
"Le Tour de France @ 50"

"15 x 4 + 1 my three favourite numbers"

Sunday, 21 June 2009
"Summer Heights"

Weekly mileage 15. Annual mileage 606
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
"Back With A Bump "

Monday, 1 June 2009
"Running For Your Supper!"

A fast start took the race through the grounds of the trout farm and down into the Dane Valley where the river crossing came far to early to cool off the field, who for once had temperatures rising to the mid twenties. An undulating river valley is followed by a long slow ascent out past Lud's Church and onto the open moorland.
The only downside is that following a slow eleven mile hill run earlier in the week, pain appeared in my right kneecap & whilst there was no problem during the race, the following day gave way to a very painful "runner's knee". Two days later the pain is still present so it's a trip to the physio at the track tomorrow and possibly a lay off whilst it settles down and is rehabilitated. Never mind, it's been a great month of running and racing. so whilst painful (literally!) a short recovery period isn't a problem and I'm sure there will be plenty more good running before the summer is out.

Weekly mileage 23.
Annual mileage 542
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
"Go On Dad Go On!"

Sunday, 24 May 2009
"Round Table Ramblings"

Saturday, 16 May 2009
"Better By Half"

Saturday, 9 May 2009
"Bollington Festival 3 Peaks Race"

completed, this six mile hill race kicked off a month of local arts & cultural celebrations.
This was my first fell race of the year and although it was only a low key village race (limited to 100 runners) I knew it was going to be a competitive afternoon when the first two athletes I saw signing up in the beer tent were both English international fell and mountain runners! (not that I was going to trouble them though!). Comprising the three highest "peaks" in the area, Kerridge Ridge, White Nancy and Nab Head (the latter two pictured, although I didn't have any time to sight see!) the race climbed over 1200 feet without giving any respite with all the ups being straight up and the downs straight down!
For most of the race the body was pretty much on the red line, something that rarely happens for me in any other form of running apart from cross country and 800m on the track. It was also great to race over the same routes as I regularly train, having run an eleven miler earlier in the week to get a look at most of the course, but even I discovered some new routes off the hills I didn't know existed. I finished in 56.12 which gives you a flavour of how tough the course was and I am still waiting to see what position I finished. A great afternoon's racing and a fantastic

Monday, 4 May 2009
"Satan's Hollow"

Back on the running front with five races coming up in the month of May it was time to get in a solid mixture of track speedwork (inc 6 x 800 with 2 minutes recovery), a 3 mile threshold run and a solid seven mile hill run through langley, interspersed with a couple of recovery runs. All in all in terms of quality it was one of the best training weeks of the year so far.
Next weekend sees race one of the five all of which are off road (including the High Peak Swift Half), a tough hilly five mile hill race around the fringes of the Peak District as an opener to the month long Bollington Festival.
Weekly mileage 26
Annual mileage 452
Sunday, 26 April 2009
"Spring Track Open Meet"
The afternoon was also special because Sarah my daughter was also competing (and cheering me on even when I was getting lapped!). I ran the 3k in a season's

Another excellent week of running including track session (5x 1k, 1 min recovery + 4 x 22m, 1 min recovery) & some general hill running.
Weekly mileage @ 25 miles. Annual mileage 426
Wednesday, 22 April 2009
"Back On Track"

The men's team manager started the season as he means to go on and i was "encouraged " to run the 3000m, the 800m and with my arm up my back the opening leg of the 4x100m relay!! They were run in that order with increasing tiredness as the afternoon progressed being matched with the increased speed required for each successive event! I led the club's charge in the 3k (not saying a lot!) but had to take second fiddle to the younger "senior " men who are only 17 years old (I am 49) in the 800m but opened the relay by holding my own against the swift sprinters of Trafford AC, one of the top clubs in the country. All in all a great start to the season.
Mileage for the year to date 401
Monday, 13 April 2009

Monday, 6 April 2009

Sunday, 29 March 2009
"Wilmslow Half Marathon"

Monday, 23 March 2009
"Broken Toe!"

Sunday, 15 March 2009
"The Stafford Half"

Sunday, 8 March 2009
"Over the Hollins"

The remainder of the week was a mixture of tempo runs and a short fartlek session this afternoon when it decided to turn to winter again with a mixture of rain, hail and sleet all in the space of fourty minutes.
The focus of this week will be a return to the track on Tuesday with easy running for the rest of the week, leading to next weekend when I aim to meet up with Nigel from "Running from the Reaper" for a Sunday morning run in the Stafford Half Marathon.
Sunday, 1 March 2009
"Running HIGHlights"
Whilst out on the run today I tried to think positively (as opposed to what a great race I had missed out on this morning!) and started to think about what have been the running "highs" in my career. After over twenty years of running and racing there have been many memories but in the space of one run there were only a few that really jumped out without too much effort, so here they are, the top 10 -
1. Finishing my one and only marathon at London in the mid 1990s in 3.14.21 (and vowing and meaning never to do it again!)
2. Being chosen to carry the baton (representing Macclesfield Harriers & AC) as part of the baton relay around the United Kingdom before the start of the 2002 Commonwealth Games in Manchester
3. Running a sub 4 minute mile as part of a 4x400 relay squad to celebrate Roger Bannister's first sub four minute mile.
4. Achieving a club vet high jump record of 1m 42 in 2006
5. Everytime I line up to run the English National Cross Country Championships particularly when it is run at the home of XC, Parliament Hill fields on London's Hampstead Heath
6. Cheering my son home to second place when he was 10 in the local inter schools cross country championship
7. Cheering my daughter every time she runs (because she has a running style and ability that I can only dream about) but I won't tell her this just yet!
8. Completing any tough track session on a Tuesday night when the coach says "well done"
9. Competing (and finishing) the World Masters Mountain Running Championships when they came to Keswick in the UK in 2005
10.Finishing the "Tour of Tameside" in one piece in the early 90's (pictured above). Regarded at the time as the toughest test in British athletics, organised by the legendary Ron Hill and featuring a double marathon distance covering six races in seven days.
Next week will be another base training week as I build up to a visit to the Stafford Half Marathon and hopefully a run with Nigel from "Running from the Reaper"
Sunday, 22 February 2009
"The English National XC"

In glorious sunshine at 3pm the 122nd running of the senior men's race got under way. For me, as with many cross country runners this is one of the focus races of the year. For spectators the site of over 1400 runners aiming for the first corner of the course is a usually a sight not to be missed (and quite worrying for the ahletes as well!), however the difference on Parliament Hill is the start which starts on a slight rise & which keeps rising! This really sorts out the field, but whatever speed you start at you are still going into oxygen debt as you reach the top of the first climb and drop sharply down to race a very hilly, muddy two lap course. It was great to have the family there though to shout support although I never knew where they were going to pop up next so couldn't slack off at any stage!
As always I finished well down the field, tired but elated after being cheered in by my family and really enjoyed hearing how the rest of the team had faired, most in front of me but some behind!I have also made myself very popular again this evening washing off copious amounts of mud in the kitchen sink! The short video clip shows me in the final sprint to the finishing line. And yes I did beat the chasing athlete despite the lack of faith shown in me by my son who was commentating!
So that's the cross country over for another season and I can now start to focus on the summer with the aim of targeting some of the county track and field fixtures whilst also aiming to run in some of the summer fell races. To that end the first hill race for me will be the very tough nine mile "Bosley Cloud" race next weekend so I suppose I had better get some hill training done quick!
Sunday, 15 February 2009
"Back to base training"

Although my daughter Sarah was also not competing this weekend, like me running is never far from anything she does. This week she was delighted to hear that a short story she had written as part of a school project (maximum fifty words) had been accepted for publication! Based on a cross country race we had both been involved in before Christmas here it is -
The mist was rolling in and the runneres could just be seen as they ran the dreaded course through mud and rain. Katie was lagging behind at the back. She struggled to keep up with the others as they entered Killer Hill. The pain was immense, would it beat her?
Finally, a fortnight ago I gave a mention to one of Macclesfield Harriers top under 17 runners Lloyd who had become North of England 800m Indoor champion. Well today I have learnt that he has now added the English Championship title to his expanding list of honours. A fantastic achievement, well done Lloyd!
Sunday, 8 February 2009
"Wythenshawe Park XC"