1. Jogged for a week to recover from very sore quads. Why does it take so long these days to recover from a hard run?
2. Raced two 100m races as part of a pre season track meet, including a two mile warm up and long cool down.
3. Twinged one hamstring (right leg). See number 2 above. I never bloody learn do I!
4. After four days recovery & one light training run raced a 10k over a very fast/flat course around the roads of Crewe. Felt like I had been shot in right calf at 8k, jogged to finish in 42.57. Although you might not think so, the photo is before the injury! Apparently the computer file with all the results has been corrupted so hopefully they won't ever be published.
5. Spent next four days recovering again (still recovering).
A runner's life is never dull!
Annual mileage 389 (week 14). Races 9.