As we are now well into January and there has been time to reflect on the previous years running (with bruised/cracked ribs there isn’t really anything else to do!) I’m going to take a quick look back at those targets and aims I set myself this time last year.
1.To be at least as quick as last year in every equivalent race starting with the Alsager 5 road race on 1st February.
Although I only achieved one pb (at the Langley 7 back in November which was probably my best "race" of the whole year) I did run some of the fastest times for years including at Alsager in February. I also maintained most of my track times throughout the summer which included a couple of really quick 3k’s.2. To achieve a whole new set of age bests.
Not difficult this is I enter a new category Veteran 50 in July!3. To run my first road half marathon for 10 years at Stafford in March with Nigel from "Running From The Reaper" and The Swift White Peak Half in May with members of Runcast TV.
I actually ran three halfs in the year including Wilmslow and reduced my time consecutively on each. The Stafford and White Peak races were fantastic social occasions as well as great runs.4. Run the remaining XC Championships at maximum effort and holding off my nearest rival through to the end of the season!
I would like to say I achieved this but didn’t. I was pipped by my nearest rival in the league and the final race of the season in Febrary at “The Nationals” on Parliament Hill Fields was seven miles of mud and mental torture!5. To target some summer fell races for the first time in many years, including the Staffordshire Moorlands Summer Series.
Although I actually didn’t get to run of the summer series I did make a return to several local hill races I hadn't competed in for years at Rainow and Bollington, and was reminded what fun a midweek evening race can be. I also made a first ever visit in November to the famous Dovedale Dash up in the Peak District. In torrential rain (and being towed off the carpark afterwards due to the axle deep mud) this is one I will definitely go back to have a crack at this year. I also enjoyed a couple of other races again including the Cheddleton 10k Christmas Pudding Run and rounded off the year with the club’s fantastic Boxing Day Handicap where I finished 4th on the road!
6. To support my club Macclesfield Harriers & AC at as many track & field meets as I can, both as a competitor (800/1500/3000m) and official.
I both competed and officiated throughout the summer, although the weather wasn’t particularly kind!7. Buy a Flip video or other compact video add some content to Runcast TV and maintain this blog on a regular basis!
I achieved both of these but need to do more filming in 2010. The Blog has been really beneficial in keeping a focus on the running and why i do it.8. Run the final big climb at the annual Shutlinsloe Fell Race (May Bank Holiday), which I have run for the last 28 years.
Yes I managed this. Watch the video on my blog!9. Remain as injury free as possible by regular stretching!
Didn’t stretch enough but did remain pretty injury free all year .10. Drink less caffeine!
No!All in all 2009 was a good running year with more miles and races than the previous year. Other running highlights included –
- Running around Monte Carlo on my 50th birthday as part of a surprise trip to see the opening stages of the Tour De France.
- Meeting the “Run Net Community” at various times during the year but in particular as part of the Dream Inspires run at Oxford and the final mile I got to run on the Iffley Road track, probably the most famous one in the world.
- The last two miles of the Langley 7!
- Any one of the many solo runs in the local hills on a fine day and with no-one else about!
It’s now time to turn to 2010 to plan my races and my targets. This is still work in progress but needs commiting to paper fairly soon. Well that's what the coach keeps telling me!